Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kooky Things My Professor Says...

So I've been told on many occasions by family, friends, random acquaintances and otherwise that I have a strangely expansive vocabulary. Not to toot my own horn, but I too believe this to be true. I have been known to come up with an original pet name or two and if I'm feeling extra on my game I can even incorporate phrases like "off her rocker", "toasted my noodle" and "outer Kishnev" into my everyday lingo. Because I have such an appreciation for the spoken word, I have decided to take note of everything my theatre professor says. This woman is a riot and can easily trump any word, phrase, insult, pet name etc. that I could ever think of...even on my best days.

To begin,

1. Toffee-nosed: stuck up, looks down on others
2. Had his fingers in many pies: doing too many things at one time (this one caught me off guard because I found it kinda gross)
3. "You can't buy a bun without it having a sexual connotation to it..."-- I just thought this was funny because...well if you ever heard her talk you would have too.

Instead of taking legitimate notes, I will dedicate myself to documenting each quirky thing she says. And then update you all immediately. Cheers!

Monday, January 24, 2011

This Week I...

1. Attempted to get tickets to Le Mis an hour before the show. Fail. Apparently these "student discount" tickets that everyone is talking about are a myth. But if anyone is going to finagle their way into a Broadway's me.

2. Almost got my ass kicked on the Tube by two drunks. Really glad I didn't. That is all.

3. Tried a tuna sandwich with pesto...kinda weird. Kinda dug it.

4. Tried Indian food for the first time! Now this one was really exciting. Obviously me being me, I asked the man at the counter a million questions and tried a million samples of different curry--they were all realllllly good. Don't ask me what I ordered though, I have no clue. All I know is I ate about a pound of nan and a whole lotta chickpeas and curry. For my first time, I'd say I did pretty good. The place we went to was down a little road (at first I was a little nervous) but when we got there it seemed like Brick Lane's best kept secret. The restaurant was called Sweet and i guess it's not so secret anymore :-)

Regardless, while I was eating, I tried to channel my inner Adam Richman. I think it worked for the most part. I wouldn't say that Man won, but I definitely put up a good fight.

Couldn't tell you what this was but it was rullll good.

Commencing my feast

Mid to end of feasting. I tried man, I tried.

Brianne kicked ass.

Tonight, in the Sweet and Spicy Indian food challenge...
MAN (specifically Brianne) won.

Ben's Cookies Part Deux: The White Chocolate Cranberry

just a little shop in Bath

Ben's Cookies :-)

Gotta try em all

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trip To Stonehenge and Bath


beautiful church in bath

dog that looks like syd syd :-)


beautiful views!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Classes have Begun!

So I've started a few of my classes and am already loving them! Luckily for me, each of my teachers might as well have walked out of Harry Potter. One of them is exactly like Professor Trelawney and it is SUPERB. She's my theatre teacher which makes it even better.

For anyone who knows will soon understand why I am sooooo excited about this class. I get to see a play every Tuesday--amazing.  The next day in class we just sit around and analyze the actors, set, costumes, lighting and so on--DOUBLE AMAZING.

My teacher is beyond knowledgeable and is super quirky. She's a tiny, older Scottish woman with an extremely expressive voice and appreciation for a good sense of humor. Not to mention--she's been on like a million pilgrimages all over while following the work of her favorite authors and playwrights. Not only is that dedication, but it's ridiculously cool.

Another one of my teachers could very well prove to be the Dumbledoor of the bunch. He is wickedly funny and sarcastic but also seems to have a genuine interest in his students. He asked my class about the type of people we are, where we came from, what we are interested and what we'd like to get out of the class.

That's about ten times more than the majority of my professors have ever asked me in my college career this far, mind you.

Weirdly enough, I kinda just like listening him to him speak. It's so proper and...well gorgeous sounding for lack of a better word. He also did a little activity that I thought was interesting--in order to illustrate the importance of newspapers to the British, he compared each of the students in class to one of the 10 newspapers he brought in just based on snap judgements.

I wrote down the descriptions of each of the newspapers. I've been thinking about which of my friends correspond to each of the papers. Mwaahahaha...more to come :-)


Monday, January 17, 2011


a guy on my trip almost got kicked out of a bar for innocently trying to "dougie" the other night...

not only is that one of the funniest stories i have ever heard but i'm glad to know that they do not take well to the "dougie" overseas...not like i was planning on doing it myself.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

some of the sights of london

buckingham palace

carnaby street in oxford square

the best thing i ever ate in london: cookie edition

white chocolate cookie

lovely. lovely. lovely.

The Night I Punched a Man in the Face...

Well, in true Alisa fashion, as I was just beginning to brag about knowing my way around London, I got way lost. In fairness, it was the bus system this time and NOT the tube. I am a pro at the tube...let that be known. Either way, while coming home from a club called Oxygen...which thankfully played all my favorite hits...minus Drop It Low (sad), I went with my roommate Brooke in the completely wrong direction in search for a cab.

Well, first I went in search of some pizza, but that failed as well.

After about 20 minutes of walking in the completely wrong direction, we turned around and retraced our steps only to see the bus that we needed pulling away. Shoooooot. So there we stood, waiting for our next bus to come. The lone Americans; although we were in quite the "hoppin" area so it could have been worse.

Here's where the weird part comes in.

After about 5 minutes of standing at the stop, Brooke and I were approached by 3 middle aged men in business suites. They meant no fact it was quite the opposite. One comes up to me and simply says, "I lost a bet. Will you please punch me in the face?"

Hmmmm. I have never been asked that question before. Me being me, I said yes. JUST KIDDING. Of course, I declined because I wouldn't even know how to punch someone in the face even if I tried. I told the man that...

He got on his knees and begged for me to punch him in the face. Double hmmm. I asked if a hard slap would be acceptable. I feel much more confident in the slapping area I guess. He asked his two friends...they said no. Soooo now I'm feeling really bad for this guy because he's on his knees, it's a little rainy and he's in a weird business suit looking like a complete idiot.

Therefore, I agreed to punch him. So there I am, in the middle of what I think was western, northern (oh who the hell knows) London, winding up to punch a man in the face. Okay.

So I did. He kindly thanked me. He told me that he and his friends were at a "stag lot" or something like that...which I found out was a bachelor party! Oooooh, I guess the gettups and odd requests sort of make sense now.

Either way. We spoke to them for a bit and I learned where the best theatre in London is. So for anyone who knows me, that is a night worthwhile.

About an hour and thirty minutes later, we made it home. Cheers.

Friday, January 14, 2011


  • Tomato soup is pretty much marinara sauce
  • Shredded wheat cereal comes with 16 wheats in the box-- each wheat is approximately the size of a small wallet

Thursday, January 13, 2011

London: Day One

Hi Everyone!! This is my first ever blog soooo this might be a little rough at first...

Everything's going great in the UK. Minus the weather; it's seriously gross and much like everyones' appliances, my hair is blowing up. For those of you who know me well...I'd like to say that I successfully used the tube the yesterday to meet up with my friend Abi--you all should appreciate that. It was pretty simple surprisingly so it's looking good for my habit of getting lost everywhere I go. Also, I have yet to lose or misplace my phone. I am going to get my international phone today--then I will have 2 phones to potentially lose or accidentally put in a random location. Joy. 

So far so good. Everyone is so nice here and the atmosphere is great. I haven't forgotten to look to the right when crossing the street and have already tried out a few pubs. Life is good. When something interesting happens, I'll be sure to let you know but for right now I'm still me. Peace. Love. I miss American grocery stores.