Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Classes have Begun!

So I've started a few of my classes and am already loving them! Luckily for me, each of my teachers might as well have walked out of Harry Potter. One of them is exactly like Professor Trelawney and it is SUPERB. She's my theatre teacher which makes it even better.

For anyone who knows will soon understand why I am sooooo excited about this class. I get to see a play every Tuesday--amazing.  The next day in class we just sit around and analyze the actors, set, costumes, lighting and so on--DOUBLE AMAZING.

My teacher is beyond knowledgeable and is super quirky. She's a tiny, older Scottish woman with an extremely expressive voice and appreciation for a good sense of humor. Not to mention--she's been on like a million pilgrimages all over while following the work of her favorite authors and playwrights. Not only is that dedication, but it's ridiculously cool.

Another one of my teachers could very well prove to be the Dumbledoor of the bunch. He is wickedly funny and sarcastic but also seems to have a genuine interest in his students. He asked my class about the type of people we are, where we came from, what we are interested and what we'd like to get out of the class.

That's about ten times more than the majority of my professors have ever asked me in my college career this far, mind you.

Weirdly enough, I kinda just like listening him to him speak. It's so proper and...well gorgeous sounding for lack of a better word. He also did a little activity that I thought was interesting--in order to illustrate the importance of newspapers to the British, he compared each of the students in class to one of the 10 newspapers he brought in just based on snap judgements.

I wrote down the descriptions of each of the newspapers. I've been thinking about which of my friends correspond to each of the papers. Mwaahahaha...more to come :-)


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